Swiss Chard on Luminous, Spring Green Cutting Board

Swiss Chard on Luminous, Spring Green Cutting Board

Just one Swiss Chard leaf fills the frame, grounded in the vitality of the luminous, spring green cutting surface. We connect with its rich, red veins as it reminds us of its abundant contribution to our health.

Nutritional Content

Swiss chard is a good source of vitamins A, C, K; B-complex vitamins; most minerals; dietary fiber and protein. (Nutrition Data) This plentiful variety of nutrients sustains many of our bodily processes. Its antioxidant properties are from Vitamins A and C, Selenium and Magnesium. Its B-complex vitamins, manganese and phosphorus helps our body produce energy. Calcium and manganese build stronger bones. Vitamin K, Iron, Potassium and Copper give us healthier blood. Dietary fiber assists our digestion. Finally, Protein and Zinc help rebuild and repair body cells.  (Duyff)

Taste and Use

Swiss chard and all dark green leafy vegetables are hardy, and can be eaten raw for their bitter, spicy flavors. Many cooking techniques can be applied to soften the leaves and stems, lessen bitterness, and add harmony and depth to recipes. (Sung)

Food and Prop Styling

The mist of “morning dew” water across the leaf accentuates its freshness. Its broad shape, peak of freshness, arched contour and curved outline play well with the camera. I found just one shape to be a more powerful symbol than combining several leaves.

I give it an energetic, summery base, I placed the leaf on a white, translucent, polypropylene cutting board with a spring green gel underneath and layered tabletop of a diffuse, white sheet of Plexiglas on ¼” glass.


To bring out it’s crinkly, curved, dark green surface I used one Broncolor Unilight strobe with a beauty dish and diffuser attachment above and behind to the viewer’s left. To bring out its translucency, I centered a second Broncolor Unilight with a standard reflector under the table, angled to illuminate the base with bright, even light.

Camera Angle

The maximum depth of field here was essential to bring out the richness of the surface texture across its earthy, undulating contours. The camera angle both looks down and in front, revealing the bowed shape. Here, my Canon EF 50mm f/1.2 lens was just right.


The simple, iconographic leaf shape and luminous, spring green background carries rich messages of health, nutrition, and sustainable energy from the Earth and Sun. It is easily scalable for a range of sustainable, commercial applications, including food packaging and cookbooks.


Duyff, Roberta Larson. American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide, 3rd Edition. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.

Herbst, Sharon Tyler Herbst and Ron. The Deluxe Food Lover’s Companion. Hauppauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2009.

Nutrition Data. Nutrient Search Tool. 2011. Conde Nast Digital. 30 July 2011 <>.

Sung, Esther. “A Visual Guide to Cooking Greens.” 2011. Epicurious. Conde Nast Digital. <>.

About The Author
  1. administrator

    Cool combination of info on food and photography. Thanks. – the transatlantic diablog

  2. Michael Osucha

    Wow! its an awesome blog on Best cutting boards .
    Keep sharing more and more…
    Thanks a lot for the information.

  3. Jovita Chaddick

    Strong bones can be easily achieved if you focus on a diet that has high calcium and magnesium content like Dairy products. `”,,

    With appreciation“>


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